Artikrti would love to Culture Connect the World, with India.

Artikrti #cultureconnect with India #friendswithoutborders

We wanted Artikrti’s Culture Connect Blog to become that India lover’s ‘go-to’ page for some quality soul time on India.
From today, we would like to flag off a key initiative:
This community of #cultureconnectors will only thrive when all of us exchange our experiences about India and things Indian. So, we would like to welcome blog contributions from around the world on their perspectives about India. Please write to with a link to your already published post on India or send a copy of what you want published on Artikrti's Culture Connect Blog and we will publish it, with of course, your author profile and links as well.

Reach out to love & connect with cultures, this year. Happy 2017.

Reach out to love & connect with cultures, this year. Happy 2017.

culture connect with the world this 2017 from Artikrti

Artikrti wishes you a really eventful 2017 filled with meaningful relationships that enrich you. Relationships that connect with cultures and people across the world. 

It is during tough times, that the tough get going. And we are going through some very divisive, testing times as a community on this planet. As a specie that is evolving, we owe it to our future generations to be far more welcoming of the differences that exist amongst us a race. Not just recognize and welcome the differences but to respect and embrace them as fascinating aspects that distinguish one group from another. That is  really promoting the concept of FriendsWithoutBorders and Aritkrti's mission of CultureConnect. #friendswithoutborders #cultureconnect

UK's Tanya Wells sings the yoga invocation at the UN International Yoga Day 2016

International Yoga Day- Tanya Wells, Artikrti
Befitting yoga's global appeal, I was delighted to hear the opening invocation song for the United Nations event  being sung by a singer called Tanya Wells, from the UK, accompanied by her band called the Seven Eyes. It was such a reverential and soothing rendition that we wanted to know more about Tanya Wells and her work. Singing effortlessly and so totally immersed in the moment her song made me think- "wow, isn't this truly a culture connect of the best kind". For a singer from a totally different culture, to be able to master the intonations of the language, understand the nuances of meaning and be lost in the mood really pointed to someone who had really tasted India.

She shows us how to live yoga, to be yoga, not just how to do yoga.

Artikrti- culture-connect-with-india- yoga-coralbrown

This memorable headline is a line from Coral Brown's post in the Yoga Journal [Look for the link below]. The "she" she is referring to is India.

But before I get to the essence of her experience, a word on why this post. For some time now, I have been toying with an idea that I want to share. Since this blog is all about "Culture Connect with India" I have been wondering how I can get others to share their experiences about connecting with India. Nothing better than a Scandinavian or an Irish or a Spaniard or an American talk about how she sees India through her lens,

The Sights, Sounds & Smells of Diwali.

India is the land of festivals- we have festivals through the year round. But, as a kid, I think no festival came even close to the air of expectancy and joy that Diwali evoked. Deepavali, as we call it, down South in Tamilnadu, was my absolute favorite as a kid.
After a decade or more, I spent this Diwali last month, back in India, at home in Chennai. I was in India to do most of the sourcing and prep work for the big bang:) launch of Artikrti].

Culture Connect with India.

Have you seen the movie "Fiddler on the roof"? My favourite part in the movie is when Tevye, the Milkman, sings the song "Tradition", a fascinating account of his life, his times and the Jewish culture he upholds. When we get to know people and their culture in that manner, you feel sort of feel you know him or her just a shade more.....personally.........

........have that yearning to discover, to know more. We’d like Artikrti’s Culture Connect Blog to become that India lover’s ‘go-to’ page for some quality soul time on India.