Culture Connect- Get the world to taste India
Holi, A R Rahman & Artikrti: Celebrating Culture Connect
Today is Holi- a festival of colours that is celebrated in India and the world over by people from varied cultures & countries. This is one festival from India that has been adopted & celebrated by people of all races because of it's spirit of oneness, and the celebration of good over evil- which is at the core of the Holi Festival- are starting to resonate with folks throughout the globe. And for the very same reason, the festival resonates with the Culture Connect spirit of Artikrti.
Gandhi, handwoven khadi & village craft
Today is Gandhi's birth anniversary- the 147th. Known as "Mahatma" or "The Great Soul", he is a national hero & leader for India like no other. His life, his writings and above all, his actions stood for certain principles that are timeless and valuable to all of us across the world:
Holding onto Truth [satyagraha] & non-violence.
Equality, simplicity & compassion
Village craft & dignity of labor
Building character through communal life & work.
It is at the meeting point of village craft, communal life, simplicity & work that one finds "khadi" which means handspun or handwoven.
UK's Tanya Wells sings the yoga invocation at the UN International Yoga Day 2016

International Yoga Day 2016- Connecting our Collective Energies
Artikrti celebrates Yoga: The second International Yoga Day is just around the corner- June 21st, 2016 will mark the second time cultures from around the world will unite to commemorate Yoga as the way to rejuvenate our body, mind & soul. Collectively yoga practitioners spread over 100 countries will dedicate themselves to the spirit of what yoga stands for- to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.
To us at Artikrti, there can be no other unifying symbol of the mingling of our different cultures, as this global event that celebrates yoga.
Culture Connect with India.
Have you seen the movie "Fiddler on the roof"? My favourite part in the movie is when Tevye, the Milkman, sings the song "Tradition", a fascinating account of his life, his times and the Jewish culture he upholds. When we get to know people and their culture in that manner, you feel sort of feel you know him or her just a shade more.....personally.........
........have that yearning to discover, to know more. We’d like Artikrti’s Culture Connect Blog to become that India lover’s ‘go-to’ page for some quality soul time on India.