Kalamkari Art- 19 steps and just nine months.

If you have a river flowing by your home, a buffalo, bits of rusty iron and nine months of time, you are good to go, to becoming a kalamkari painter. Of course a bit of skill thrown in could help:)

Kalamakari is the art of painting on cloth with a ‘kalam’ or pen. And ‘kari’ means ‘work’. So literally it means pen-work- simple, right? But simplicity of craft is not what kalamkari is all about. But before you get to know how it is done, take a look at how a finished painting may look in some of the

Culture Connect with India.

Have you seen the movie "Fiddler on the roof"? My favourite part in the movie is when Tevye, the Milkman, sings the song "Tradition", a fascinating account of his life, his times and the Jewish culture he upholds. When we get to know people and their culture in that manner, you feel connected...you sort of feel you know him or her just a shade more.....personally.........

........have that yearning to discover, to know more. We’d like Artikrti’s Culture Connect Blog to become that India lover’s ‘go-to’ page for some quality soul time on India.